Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Purposeful First Exclamation

This blog, I will state preemptively, has not been created to spark political anarchy against the American court system, in fact I am rather fond of it. I think that it is a successful and, rightly so, stern branch of the American government. That being said, I have created this blog to raise awareness in certain court cases that received some attention in the media, some older and more recent cases alike. The general goal that I work for lies within what you, the audience, will take away from the knowledge of these cases. Some of you will be involved in juries later on in life, and perhaps an understanding of court cases will be of valuable assistance to you. I've never been one for gossip, but there are some court cases here in America that certainly deserve the attention that they have received, and it is going to be an interesting experience telling you all about them.