Thursday, October 13, 2011

Casey Anthony

Being described by some reporters as the "trial of the century", the Casey Anthony Murder Trial was one of the biggest court cases in America as far as press coverage is concerned. In 2008, Floridian infant and daughter of Casey, Caylee Anthony, was reported missing by one Cindy
Anthony, the mother of Casey herself. Telling the authorities that her daughter's car smelled like a dead body was inside, the skeletal remains of Caylee were found in a bag outside of the woods of Casey's parents home, direct evidence that the body had been moved from Casey's automobile to her own parent's house, in an attempt at covering up what she had done. Placed under arrest, it was on the local Florida news stations quick, and it picked up speed as the story spread through the nation. The "monster mom", seen partying four days after the remains of her daughter were dug up. All the evidence was pointing toward her nearly obvious guilt, and yet after much deliberation, despite having lied to the police on four accounts, Casey Anthony was given a Not Guilty sentence, but had to serve four years for her accounts of lying to the cops. She was released from prison three years instead for good behavior.

This case, I felt was unfortunately going to be the ringleader in my mind to be the court case to demonstrate the weaker aspect of the court: the ability for technical law to overrule eyewitness testimony. There wasn't enough physical evidence to support the claims made against Casey for murdering her child, though there was enough rhetorical evidence presented by the numerous eyewitnesses and experts who were involved in the prosecution. Such an erroneous crime was shrugged off, and yet even many subtle notions were made by the defendant and her peers, some of them chuckling to themselves during her trial. Weeks after her daughter was found dead, Casey went to get a tattoo of "Beautiful life" in Italian.

For more information on the Casey Anthony Trial, visit this page and check out some of the other hyperlinks contained within the article as well:

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